Brainlab ID je edina prijava zaposlenih, strank in partnerjev v različne aplikacije in storitve družbe Brainlab.
Novalis Circle
Svetovna mreža zdravnikov, ki se ukvarjajo z napredovanjem radiokirurgije. Novalis Circle zagotavlja komunikacijsko in sodelovalno mrežo za razvoj novih idej in optimizacijo zdravljenja, ki bo še naprej spreminjala potek zdravljenja raka.
Online Campus
Večplatformna zbirka izobraževalnih gradiv na zahtevo, posebej zasnovanih za vas. Želimo vam olajšati odkrivanje vseh načinov, kako lahko izdelki Brainlab podpirajo vaše klinične poteke dela.
QREO Requests
We provide a self-service quote request for Brainlab Disposables, Instruments, and Accessories that are compatible to your Brainlab systems.
Spletni uporabniški priročniki Brainlab
Vse svoje uporabniške priročnike bomo digitalizirali, da bosta iskanje pomembnih podatkov o izdelkih ter dostop do njih hitrejša in enostavnejša.
Event & Exhibits
Access to your profile settings for the next Brainlab event.
Brainlab Academy
Brainlab Academy strives to assist clinicians and medical physicists achieve full proficiency with Brainlab radiosurgery treatment planning systems. Certified instructors lead hands-on practice sessions on dedicated workstations with typical clinical cases.
Work equipment, business equipment and gift ideas.
Service & Support Portal
Enjoy easy access to information and support resources specific to your Brainlab solution. Our portal offers 24/7 secure access to self-help functions and information.
TraumaCad enables surgeons to accurately template patient images, take measurements, and simulate the expected result prior to surgery.
Welcome to our webinar platform. Here you’ll find training and educational webinars presented by leading clinicians and Brainlab experts.